Sunday, December 29, 2019

Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Oh, this is an exciting event to share with you!  Long story short: Over a year ago, God put the idea in my heart to create a "walk-through the Gospel story" in a way the Thai people could easily understand. 

We asked our small church family to help, and invited our neighborhood, knowing there was the possibilility that no one would come. BUT, the Lord brought neighbors from 5 different homes to come!

When they entered our yard they were greeted and handed an MP3 player with earbuds.  They chose English or Thai language and were guided to station 1, and began listening.

Station 1: 
 They heard about everything having a beginning,except God, and how they are part of the story.  Each person was asked add a brushstroke to the canvas to symbolize their place in God's creation.

 Station 2 is such a contrast, just look at the colors!  It shows death,work, and struggle. They learned how sin entered the world, and the hope that a Redeemer would come.  The people were asked to pick up a rock and carry it the rest of journey to represent the weight of their sin.

 Station 3: God pursues His people.
 Here they heard how God gave them laws to guide them and protect them, how He 
parted the Red Sea, and how he chose unlikely people to accomplish His plan.

 Station 4: Man rejects God.
This wooden chest reminds them of the law being stored away and
forgotten.  The scrolls remind them that God sent prophets to pursue and warn His people, but ultimately they too would reject Him.

 Station 5: The promise fulfilled!
Jesus is born to an unlikely woman, in an impossible way,
proclaimed to unimportant people.  God did what
we wouldn't expect!

 Station 6: Jesus' ministry
Jesus had the ability to heal the sick and perform miracles.
He showed the love of God but also spoke the truth of
who He was: God in flesh.  This angered many.

 Station 7:  The cross
Jesus was killed to pay for our sin.  He was
the bridge between a holy God and sinful people.

Station 8: Burial and Resurrection
The people walked inside the tomb and listened about Jesus
 conquering sin and death!

 Inside the tomb: burial clothes. 
 The people were asked to leave the rock they had been carrying at the tomb, because their sin had been paid through the death and resurrection of Jesus.  

 Station 9: Free resources! There were people abvailable to answer questions and to invite them back to church the next day.

 I'd like to share the pictures of an hour after we began. There is
something sobering about darkness that creates a beautiful background
to walk through and contemplate the truths spoken.

 Many people added to the canvas.
 The darkness drew you in closer to really see
what was happening.
 The children said that going into the tomb was their 
favorite part.  I loved seeing all the rocks left there

 The next day we had church at our house.  Most everyone
asked to walk through the stations again!

 All of these children, yet silence as they listened.

 This mother and daughter made a special trip just to walk through. 
 They attend Bible study at our home.

Thank you for journeying with us, friends.  We ask for your
continued prayers as we seek God in 2020.  May more people
know freedom in Jesus, may husbands join their wives in the joy
of salvation!  Please pray that our family desires Christ above
all, as it is a daily battle.  Finally, please pray for our financial support to increase. This has been a very difficult year financially and we have felt it in ways that cause us to question how much longer we can stay.  


 Happy New Year!  May we all have the joy of this kid on a good day. :)
Thank you for loving us.  Our hearts miss you even more at this time of year.

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