Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Callie learned how to call 9-1-1.  Even though I warned her it was for emergencies only, she was curious.  Do you know what happens when a curious 3 year old calls 911?  The policeman visits you.  He was very understanding and we extended the same grace to Callie.  Lesson learned...I hope.

Here she is at the Alice in Wonderland Ballet.

We were in the Chattanooga area for a Missions Conference.  The kiddos 
had fun participating in AWANA at our sending church.
Water games!

Max (still toothless) hanging out on the lawn at church.

Coolidge Park

 We had a long overdue visit with our old group of Square Dancing friends!  
What a sweet time of hugs and catching up.  The last time we were here
was 18 months ago!  Our friends remember Callie learning to walk:)
Maxwell: showing off his crawling skills.

Here we all are!

On the way back to Michigan we stopped at Mayfield Dairy.

Berea, KY is such a wonderful place to visit and it's right off I-75. The marble tree made fun music!

 We took a quick overnight trip to Northern Michigan, (where I grew up), to celebrate my Dad's retirement from the business he's had for 34 years!  His customers trusted him and his integrity pointed people to Christ.  We're proud of you, dad!
The largest limestone quarry, just 15 min. from where I grew up.
On Memorial Day we attended a parade (the same one my mom attended as a little girl) and then walked to the cemetery for the ceremony.  My grandpa was a Veteran of the Korean War and we all miss him.  I'm thankful for his service and for all the stories he shared with me.  
Callie entertained Max during the ceremony.
 We finished the day with family.  My parents have a great porch, don't you think?

It's safe to say that Spring is here and Summer is on it's way.  The grass is green and soft, the flowers are beautiful (mom has them in vases around the house), and the lake is beautiful!  Just think, this is the fallen world!  How beautiful will heaven be?

All the earth worships You and sings praises to you;
They sing praises to Your name. 
 - Psalm 66:4