Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

December 25th...It's just another day here for most of Thailand.  99% of the people here won't celebrate the gift of Jesus today.

 My prayer often is, "Lord, help me love the people here the way you love me."  He's answering that prayer but the outcome is different than I anticipated.

We were at a neighborhood block Christmas party and were the only believers there.  The Lord opened conversations for both Ken and I .  We came home and exchanged stories and I felt such joy at seeing God move...but I hurt.  Loving people hurts.  
My neighbor friends!  I'm so thankful for them.  The lady on the left is becoming like a grandmother to me.

My neighbor, "Roy" asked me if I went to church that day (he was making fun of me in asking.  But I joyfully shared what we were learning at church).  "How about you?" I asked, "Did you go to church?"  I learned that he is a-religious.  So I asked him why.  I'll keep that private, but it goes back to the question, "How could God be so loving and let horrible things happen?"  I nodded, "It's a question we all ask at some point, isn't it?"  I shared how sin entered the world through 1 man, but by 1 man Jesus, we are rescued!  He told me I was sharing a bunch of B.S. and asked, "What are you hoping for?"  I smiled, "One day all of this will be made right!  I will be with my maker. Forever." 

 He told me he was happy I found something that made me happy.  I said, "What if you're wrong."  He got irritated, by not mad, "See, that's the same B.S. you Christians say.  You just want an insurance plan, just in case you're wrong!"  The Lord gave me this to say,"If I wanted an insurance plan, wouldn't I add a bit of Hinduism, Buddhism and some Muslim beliefs?   I leave all of that and follow Jesus alone."  He was quiet. "Roy's" comments didn't hurt my feelings.  I hurt because he is going to hell.. a bitter, angry man, shaking his fist at God.  I hurt because no one should talk of the King of Kings the way he did...but I too was an enemy of God.  It didn't look like Roy, but it was sinful rebellion against God.   

Another neighbor, "Edward" shared his delight in many programs that are helping him cope with life. He listed off the benefits of each: this one has such a strong teacher and role model, this other TM therapist has peace, and on the list went.  "Roy" overheard this and said, "Summer doesn't care about any of that."  I quickly answered, "That's not true.  Everyone is looking for all of the things you he's searching for, aren't they?  That's why so many people visit Thailand.  I see what you're looking for, Edward, and God is all of those things. He's strong and loving and so much more."  "Edward" is so kind and smiled, "I'm so glad that works for you.  I want that for you and you should keep doing that."  I'm praying that we have many more conversations.  

God is at work.  Always.  Sometimes we can watch it unfold.  Thank you to those of you reading this, praying for and financially supporting us.  Our community is dark, but we have the privilege showing off the light in us.  Merry Christmas.  God is with us!  I'm not searching for another hope.  Messiah has come!  He's coming again.   

Sunday, September 20, 2015

1 year ago!

A year ago we were on a plane traveling to the other side of the world.  Smiles and praises to God fill me as I reflect on how far he's brought our family.  We didn't know how to drive here, find food, know what to eat, communicate, know my phone number, locate our house, and the list goes on.

I am taking Thai lesson and slowly learning.  We can order our food in Thai, ask a few questions to make small talk.  I know where to grocery shop and even know what a good price is on many of the things we eat!

Thinking about people over the past year makes me teary-eyed.  There are so many that we said "I'll see you later" to and we miss them.....we miss you, who are reading this:)  We have friends battling cancer, struggling with new babies and sleepless nights, people who need someone to cook them a first response is, "I wish I was there to help."  God continues to remind me that he doesn't NEED me.  He uses me.  He will use someone else to care for our friends and family state-side.  I can rest in that!

I also think about the people he has brought to us here in Thailand.  One friend was brought literally to my doorstep.  We were able to build a friendship and teach each other about different foods and recipes.  Most importantly, we talked about eternity.  Ken and I shared the Gospel message with her a few times but she felt secure in her beliefs as Buddhist.  We were in America for 8 weeks and after not hearing from her and not having my messages returned, we drove to her home.  It is empty and her house is for rent.   I felt crushed, but the Lord picked me up quickly, reminding me that I had shared the most important thing: Him.  I'm so thankful for that....many encourage us to build relationships of trust before we share the Gospel (which is true and time-tested advice).  I felt urgency with her and shared on Day 1!  The Holy Spirit speaks to His children- that was His leading and His words, not mine.

Tears can't be held back when I think of our kids.  We were informed that time on the field goes quickly, because of the many ways you are busy and emotionally exhausted.  This means your kids grow up quickly.  Callie was just 2 when the Lord called us overseas, now she's 5 and grew about 5 inches in our first year here!  These pictures were taken a year apart!

 She is growing in the Lord and it encourages me as her sister in Christ!  She said, "Mommy, don't you love being a Christian?"  "Yes," I agreed, "But why do you?"  Thoughtfully with a smile she answered, "Just that, we learn how to love the right way, and that....we're chosen.  That's the best thing."  It has been such a blessing to hear the Lord speak through her.

I love my boys too:)  I will share some of their stories in the future.

I wanted to give you a glimpse of our life in Asia, just in case you don't keep up with us on Facebook. We are always seeing and learning new things.  Example:  Tonight the people next to me at dinner (an outdoor food stall by the road) ordered a huge plate of fried crickets!
On the flight to Thailand.  It takes about 24 hours to get here. (12 hour time change)

Lunch after church at a food court.  

Green Curry for me!

Homeschooling fun.

They love their Thai tutor!

Ken's co-workers and their families.

Our dryer;)  

Playing together:)

Feeling accomplished that I can make a pizza from scratch!
BONUS: The kids said it's as good as "real" pizza!

Keeping this guy busy!  Cut off a plastic bottle and rubberband
a piece of washcloth over the bottom.  Dip in dishsoap water and blow!

A birthday party for the 5 year old!

HUGE butterfly that passed our home.

We found a huge snail in our kitchen! We set him free...

Thanks for reading and caring!  Will you please pray with us?

  • We are starting a Home Group/Bible study this week.
  • Learning Thai is hard!  Pray that it "clicks" and sticks!
  • Pacing.  It's easy to take on a lot, but it is not sustaining.
  • Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel!
  • The number of homeschooling families we help/support has DOUBLED!  Pray for Ken to know how efficiently and effectively guide them.
  • Support: Our monthly support is still lacking.  Please pray for more financial partners so that we can stay.
  • Praise God for sustaining us!  He has equipped and grown us.
Happy Fall Y'all!

Friday, April 3, 2015

In the waiting room

Today Ken and I went to the doctor's office to get our health approval to obtain a driver's license.  (This consisted of a few basics like checking our blood pressure and weighing in- which isn't so bad here because you get weighed in kilograms which is such a small number, so there is no long as you don't convert the numbers!)

While in the waiting room a young couple from England sat next to us.  I asked them if they lived here.  I learned that they were touring many countries together and just arrived from India and planned to visit Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia, then returning to England for a wedding, and possibly moving to Australia!

Although our family isn't traveling we had a lot in common with this couple: they too sold their house and car and lived with her parents for a while!  I asked them why they were traveling and their reasons were quite different, "Just to see different parts of the world.."  The Lord prepared me for what I would say next.

 As my kiddos were in bed the night before I was lesson planning for the rest of the month.  Jack and I read portions of "Window on the World" each week, which highlights people groups all over the world, how they live and worship.  I flipped through pages seeing people bowing to stone, gold, wood, other people....

"Isn't it interesting, that no matter where you go, people choose to worship something?"  The 27 year old British lady agreed with me and I continued.  "It is within every person to know that there is something that we should worship, so there must be a right way."  She again smiled and agreed, "Yeah, I guess that's true."  I went on to tell her that it is Easter weekend but you wouldn't know it here is Chiang Mai.  We talked a bit about what Easter is like in England.  I wish I could tell you I was able to lay out the Gospel, but it didn't get to that far.  Instead, I was called back for my appointment. 

I pray that they learn about the importance of today: Good Friday, and why Sunday, Resurrection Day, changed the world.  That couple wasn't supposed to be in Chiang Mai.  She mentioned they weren't able to catch the train to their desired destination, so they came here instead.  Can you see the Lord at work?!  Please pray that the Lord places someone else in their path to continue the story.  I have to trust that they heard what they needed to hear and not kick myself for what wasn't said...

 Please pray that the Lord readies you (and me) to always be ready to share the hope that we have!

Today reminded me of an Easter weekend a couple years ago:  This happened (click on that link and scroll about half-way down if you'd like to read the story).

Sunday, March 8, 2015

   A friend from the states reminded me that I have a blog....and I need to update it!

Outside a large temple packed elbow to elbow with people.
I have learned so much about the Thai culture and sometimes I don't even realize that it is changing me.  The feet are the lowest and dirtiest part of a person (that is the perception here). Just 6 months ago I kept reminding myself and the kids to take their shoes off before entering a home (and some stores ask you to take your shoes off before entering to shop!)  But now, it is a habit to remove my shoes as soon as we come to the porch or front steps of a house.  I still have the desire to use my foot to scoot a Lego piece out of my way, or to push a bottom drawer shut, but I remind myself to bend down and use my hands (well, most of the time at least). 

My day to day routine is similar to back home, but more labor intensive:
We wake up, have breakfast, and start school work.  Sounds simple, but breakfast is usually made from scratch, (it is cheaper to make our own biscuits, pancake mix, etc.)  and dishes are all hand washed. I should also mention that Max is 1 1/2 and full of energy! 

We take a mid-morning break and the kids usually play outside.  This is a fun time for them to play and for the kind lady who sweeps our street to come by and visit.  I try to hang my laundry out at this time so that it will dry by the end of the day.

Back to school, a snack, and lunch (usually sandwiches or some sort).  By this point in the day I have swept the floor 3x and sang the "clean up" song with Max too many times :)  The boy loves to play in the water and our water cooler is just his height.  He once emptied a ton of water onto the floor just by pushing a button. Fun times!  For him at least....

I will channel this love of water into something useful: dishwashing ;)
After lunch we go for a walk.  I push Max in the stroller and Jack and Callie ride their bikes.  We meet  people along the way (I once met a Thai woman who asked me a lot of questions and then she shared with me that she was a believer!!!)  God's beauty is always in bloom here to enjoy!  It's easy to teach science with so many interesting plants and insects....and occasionally snakes! 
A real leaf!  This was on a hike with friends:)

After lunch, Max naps and the kids and I have a chance to do some un-interupted reading and grammar together.  I try to fold the laundry (if it's dry) and make plans for dinner.  I cook a lot more now that we have a toaster oven!  We still eat Thai food from the market or from street vendors though.  Ken is at work until about 4:30 and then we have dinner.  (He is such a wonderful fit for his role and it's exciting as his wife to see him utilize all of the gift the Lord gave him, and life experience to serve in this way.)

We have our favorite vendors: a sweet elderly couple that makes fun "bubble waffles" as we call them. They don't speak English but I want to hug her every time I see her.  She has a warmth and smile that makes you feel like she is your grandma. I love the Shwarma (seasoned chicken wrap) from a Thai Muslim woman and her 2 daughters, and Jack loves pork on a stick.  We all crave sticky rice and have found a place close to home that usually has it.

There is so much in my head to say and I am trying to figure out how and what to share...

I find that we have many acquaintances here but we desire close friends. I have shared my feelings with others who have been here longer than me and their responses have been similar: "Welcome to Chiang Mai- that's how it is here."  Many of the people who moved here for similar reasons as our family, are busy in their outreach....or their families and school, sports, they don't make time for anything else.  Our goal is to be available to grow with other families serving here and to connect to the people around us.

  Sometimes it eats at me..."How can I share you with them, Lord?"  What do I do?  What does it look like here?  My answers about the culture have come slowly, but I am gaining understanding:
  • This. takes. time. 
  •  People are not projects to be completed.  They aren't an item on the check-list.   
  • They are to be loved.  We love because God first loved us.  
 Buddha museum at the temple on the mountain: Doi Suthep
  Pursuing God means pursuing those He loves: our neighbors.   So, again I am reminded to quit overwhelming myself with how to do this. Today it was simple: I made cookies.  I took them to a neighbor a short walk away who I haven't seen in a long time...but she didn't answer the door.  I felt defeated.  Not quite sure what is going on in her life, but she is avoiding me... So, I turned the other direction and walked to a different neighbor that I had recently met and took Max with me. 

She opened her gate and greeted me by saying I had been gone too long. (She was glad I was back to visit).  I learned about her and her family, and as she shared I realized that they had I get to pray about how the Lord would use our family to serve them.  I enjoyed our time there.  The woman's sister lives with her and she is a widow who doesn't have children.  She loved playing with Max and I got to sit and have a conversation without chasing him around:)
Our neighbors gave us this tree.  The kids are watering it...with water guns.

I came home and smiled to see the boy (from my previous blog post) that we met at the music school next door.  He was here to play with Jack.  Later his mom came by and joined us for dinner.  Callie prayed this long and sweet prayer of thanksgiving.  The mother asked if her son could pray like that.  We shared a bit with him about what prayer is and he said he might try that next time.  It is fascinating because the mom is a Buddhist! 

There is so much more to share, but I will save it for another day:)  The Lord is faithful.  When I fail, he doesn't.  When I fear, question, or neglect Truth, He is constant and at work.  I find myself breathing a sigh of relief as I type that.

Thank you for praying for us, supporting us, and encouraging us.