Wednesday, November 27, 2013

We moved!

The past 2 weeks have been a blur; here's the reason why:

Nov. 9th: We received an offer on our house.
Nov. 11th: Our house is under contract!
Nov 13th: Arrange a meeting to discuss an estate sale.
Nov. 14th: Find out we have 4 days to be out of our house if we want to have an estate sale!
Nov. 14th: Present our ministry to a homeschool group in Cleveland, TN
Nov. 15th: Pack like crazy and have dinner with friends
Nov. 16th: Pack like crazy and then enjoyed dinner brought to us by a sweet friend :)
Nov 17th: Church and potluck dinner to celebrate the church's anniversary, more packing, dinner with our missional community group, more packing, and sleep.
Nov. 18th: Final packing and move out day!
Nov. 19th- 22nd: we stayed with 2 different families/ friends.
Nov. 22nd: Packed up the trailer with our things.
Nov. 23rd: Drove to Ohio
Nov. 24th: We made it to Michigan (on my mom's birthday!)
Nov: 25th: Unpack the uhaul
Nov 26th: Begin moving in with the parents!
Nov 27th: Update the blog!

What is our plan?  We will be staying with our family until the rest of our support is raised.  (We are currently at 50%)  If you have a church or group we can share our ministry with, please let us know....raising support is difficult and challenging.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we have so much to be thankful for.  This year I am especially grateful for the freedom from things. We left behind most of our belongings to sell and it feels right. Each day is very full and having few things to care for is a blessing. I could write a list of things I'm thankful for, but ultimately it is the Lord.  He allows us to be part of His plan to share the gospel with the nations!  We aren't in Thailand yet, but until then we'll proclaim Him in Michigan.

Connecting with our Michigan supporters!

In October we drove up to Michigan visit some our supporters and to make a few new contacts.  We enjoyed presenting to Friendship Baptist Church and look forward to coming back to visit again!

We also presented to a Homeschool Group and played a Thailand trivia game with the kids as we shared about our future ministry in Thailand.

Ken met with Riverside Tabernacle and we plan to present to their church early next year.

God painted a beautiful backdrop for our drive through Tennessee!