Friday, January 11, 2013


I am pregnant!  This was an unexpected suprise, but a welcomed blessing.  I am 10 weeks along with a due date of August 9th.  We don't plan on finding out the gender, so plan on being surprised...again! 

So what does our future hold?
The first piece of advice a missionary gave us, almost a year ago, was: "God is never late."  His timing is perfect!  A baby is not delaying our move to Thailand.  It is part of God's plan for our family.

Many of you are asking, "When will you leave?"  There isn't an easy answer.  We can leave when our support is raised and our baby is at least 3 months old. We are currently at 20% of our financial goal for the first year. Thank you to those of you who have joined our ministry through prayer and/or financial support.   We appreciate you!  We will continue to update our website as changes occur:

 For those of you who don't know my fertility struggles, I've shared a summary of it below.  I am open about it because 1 out of 4 women struggle with fertility.   So, read if you like:)

We were married for 4 years when the doctors told me I had a medical issue that would make conceiving difficult.  2 years later, during our time as Houseparents, I met a woman from church who had the same medical issue (P.C.O.S) and gave me her doctor's name. After many blood tests, the doctor prescribed a diabetic medication (no, I'm not diabetic).  I conceived the next month and Jack was born in 2006.

Well, 3 years went by and the same medicine didn't work for a second child.   My OB/GYN referred me to a different doctor who gave me a different medicine.  I conceived the next month....and miscarried.  But, to our surprise, I conceived the very next month and in 2010, Callie arrived!

Soon after, Ken and I prayed....that God would give us more children if it was His will, and that I wouldn't have to seek medical help again.  Two years passed.  With our calling to full-time missions, I knew it wasn't an ideal time to have children, but I had the desire.  I prayed about more children, whether they are born from me or adopted, and I left it in God's hands.

Early in December I felt pregnant and sure enough, a test confirmed it.  I was shocked and elated.  Ken was just as surprised.  God can do the impossible!