Monday, February 3, 2014

DIY Snowman game

We've been studying "weather" in school right now.  Today I came across a bag of cotton balls, so I made this counting game to teach Callie number recognition. It should be an easy game to make in Thailand when we won't have snow!
  1. First I took an empty oatmeal container and made a face and buttons with markers.  I added a scarf (we used a pair of doll tights!)
  2. Dump the "snowballs" on the ground.  (You could have older kids explain how snow is made).
  3. Roll the dice (this is a wooden cube with stickers, but any dice would work).
  4. Count out the number of snowballs you rolled and put (or toss) them in the snowman.
  5. Continue doing this, taking turns. You must get the EXACT number to end the game.                 
    Callie rolled a 2!  She wins!
  6. Whoever gets the last of the snowballs in snowman wins and gets to put his "hat" on (the lid).
                 It's just a simple game, but the kids asked to play it again:)

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I think my 4yo would like this game.
    Sarah (from co-op)
