We live next to a music school and on Saturday mornings the sounds of the piano or electric guitar can be heard. The owner invited our kids over to spend time at their home/ music school to visit with other children.
Today Jack spotted a couple kids outside and asked if they could go over. Although we share a fence, the enterance is on the road behind us. I let Jack ride his bike over and once he had permission to stay, I took Callie to the fence and lifted her over. A woman came running over, "Where are you from?!"
Before I continue, let me paint a picture for you: I was in one of Ken's t-shirts (that had been smeared with cinnamon from baking), yoga pants, my hair was piled on top of my head, I was sporting my glasses, and had batter on my hands because I was in the process of making bread. I was a hot mess (it was 90 degrees outside;)
I smiled and and told her, "America." I learned that she is Thai, but married a Westerner and lived in America for over a dozen years. She moved back here in the Spring and felt lonely, didn't really know anyone, missed the U.S. and her son, (age 6) wanted to move back home. She said that Christmas-time didn't feel the same, so I invited her to a Christmas pageant that we would be attending. She said, "Yes! You know about God? I am Buddhist but I want to know and I want to teach my son, but I don't know anything about it. I know that Christmas is Jesus' birthday."
Shocked, and elated, I quickly agreed to teach her and invited her over. She hugged me (this is not common here!) I wanted to cry and here's why: I prayed just 2 days ago that God would give me someone who wanted to hear the Gospel. We've shared with many people here and although they are kind and polite, they want nothing to do with the Gospel. But now, someone is ASKING ME TO TEACH HER ABOUT THE LORD!!!
Her son came over to play and I went back to baking and cooking because we had invited a family over for dinner. A bit later there was a knock at the door. Callie's new Thai friend (who doesn't speak English) was smiling through the window. My heart felt full. The Lord is literally bringing people to our home!!
Soon after, my new friend was at the door to collect her son. She sat and visited with me for a while and I invited her to stay for dinner. She said, "Really?" I nodded. She stood up, hugged me and began crying. I don't remember what she said exactly, but she thanked me.
As I cooked she talked with me about how homesick she was, even though this is her country, she had been away so long that it no longer felt like home here. While she talked with Ken about education and I made a dash for the bathroom to throw some make up on, but in my contacts, and do something with the mop of hair on my head, but there was no time to change my clothes). I also sent a text to our friends to let them know we'd have extra company for dinner.
The couple that came are wonderful believers and he, though American, was raised here. So he understood the way she felt. Isn't that awesome that the Lord brought them? His timing is perfect! When it came time to eat, we gathered around to pray. Our new friend called her son over to explain what was about to happen, "We are going to pray to the God now."
Dinner and fellowship was such fun. Our new friend kept saying, "Who can believe this? I take my son to music class for the first time and here I am!" I smiled, "God had a different plan for you today." When it came time to leave she said, "For the first time in 6 months, I am happy to live here, thank you. Maybe God want me here today."
After everyone left and the kids were in bed, I stared at the dishes with thankfulness. Most every plate, cup and pot I had were dirty, but I was thankful because it meant our home was full of people. I searched for the right word to describe the feeling: joy. I felt filled with joy.
With dishes done, I sat and realized, "This is what I am here to do." It's the same thing I did in the states. We have only been here a little less than 3 months, but I felt so scattered: trying to find a church, and plug in to a ministry or outreach, but knowing my primary ministry was to be home, teaching and discipling our children. But look! God let me stay home and do just that, AND He brought people to us. I am just in awe of Him today.
Thank you to all of you who pray for us. God gave us the right home- not because of the size or layout, but because of the people around it that He is bringing in! Please keep praying. I truly hope I am able to teach and share with our new friend and pray that the Lord will continue to equip us to accomplish the work He has for us here.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Moving to Thailand Part II
I apologize that I haven't updated our blog. My computer got fried- literally! It started smoking and Ken had to order parts to fix it (he is awesome:). I have been able to use my phone to add pictures to facebook, but not blogging...until now!
To summarize our first month: the transition went so smoothly! People kept commenting on how easy we made it look and how quickly we were on our feet! We told them, "Many, many people are praying for us, so we know it is God walking us through this."
! I'll leave you with this picture: our first month was exhausting:)
After a long day trying to find things at the grocery store.
I can't believe we are finally here, in Thailand! Thank you, Lord for your faithfulness!! Let your glory fill the Earth!!!
To summarize our first month: the transition went so smoothly! People kept commenting on how easy we made it look and how quickly we were on our feet! We told them, "Many, many people are praying for us, so we know it is God walking us through this."
DAY 1 and 2: we explored the city on foot and introduced the kids to Thailand!
Trying new fruit!
New plants...
The view from our hotel room.
On day 3 we moved into our home! We spent that week cleaning and unpacking. Max was happy to have his toys back!
4 days after arriving "school" was back in session!
Shopping can be exhausting, but we needed a fridge and cleaning products...
We found these little coin machines in the food court at the grocery store. After you put your money in, the child steers and can literally drive it around the food court! Very fun:)
A sweet couple (new friends) took us to church and the kids played afterwards.
Our sweaty little boy with the water jugs. (We can't drink the tap water)
Jack loves to catch the lizards (they live in our house...it's just the way it is here:)
Taking public transportation was fun....
..but after a week we were soooo excited to get our vehicle.
Max had the hardest transition. The Thai people love babies and wanted to touch, hold, and play with him but he wanted nothing to do with it. However, within 4 weeks he was smiling at people! Even though we prepared for Callie a lot of attention, it caught her off-guard. "Why do they want to play with my hair; why are they hugging me?" She is used to it now. When she greets the people in Thai it melts my heart.
Max didn't get the memo that he is supposed to sleep through the night in his own bed...so, we're struggling through that. He gets up at least 3x/ night, even if he's in our room. The 11 hour time change was most difficult for him. Keeping a 14 month old entertained at 4am before you've unpacked wasn't easy!
The kids watch Thai cartoons on Saturday morning and never complain that they cant understand it. I watch the news a few mornings a week but I don't understand much either:) The language is so difficult that we're told we won't just pick it up. We've arranged to have a tutor come to the house for the kids...still working on a tutor for us.
Thank you to everyone who prays for and encourages our family. Thank you also to everyone who supports us financially. We appreciate all of you:) Here are 2 exciting moments:
- We sat with a man from the UK in the food court and got to share the gospel with him! I love that the Lord gave us someone we could communicate with to proclaim His name.
- While out buying laundry baskets, after a long day, Callie (our middle child) told us, "I wish I could get this sin out of me right now!" So, we sat down on the display furniture in the store and talked about sin and the Savior! She prayed and my daughter became my sister in Christ! She was so excited and wrote a song about it and then began telling people that she is a Christian now because she prayed to the Lord and Jesus took away her sin.
! I'll leave you with this picture: our first month was exhausting:)
After a long day trying to find things at the grocery store.
I can't believe we are finally here, in Thailand! Thank you, Lord for your faithfulness!! Let your glory fill the Earth!!!
Monday, October 6, 2014
September update: Part 1
What a month! We moved from Michigan, spent a week in GA, 2 nights at a hotel in Chiang Mai, and ended the month by moving into our house!
Saying Goodbye was hard; so hard that it just kind of hurt your heart, and if I'm being honest, I felt so anxious leaving Michigan. For the first time ever, our kids had family nearby (well, we were living with my parents:) Jack enjoyed fishing and night crawler picking with his papa. Callie enjoyed baking with Nana. We were able to watch my niece niece's volleyball games and have dinners together after church. My sister had a baby while we were living in Michigan and I was able to watch many of his firsts, just as she was able to watch many of Max's. It saddened both of us to think about missing the next round of "firsts." I prayed through tears that night.
As we drove to Georgia that morning, I thought, "What are we doing?! We are moving half-way around the world! Why did we say we would do this?!" I am so thankful for my husband because he listened and then reminded me of everything I have told my own family and friends: life is a vapor and eternity is long. We have eternity with our family (fellow Christians) but the people we're reaching out to overseas, well, most have never heard of the hope we have in Christ." This is what the Lord has prepared us to do.
We spoke at a church the same day we drove down to GA. They were very encouraging and I was honest with them, "Pray for me. I'm anxious." The next day, after a lot of sleep (thank you Ken for getting up with the kids!) I felt so different...calmer...rational ;)
rch had a beautiful commissioning service for us. I woke up that morning excited to go, ready for Thailand! The service was precious. The kids sang, our pastor shared a wonderful message that was so meaningful and Christ focused. One of my close friends sang and it was just a special gift. I managed not to cry up until this point, but during the last song, "He will hold you fast," I just cried. All around me were people who loved me and spurred me on in my walk with the Lord. I had grown so much with the body of believers. It was time to go and the Lord would continue to hold me.
The next day our dear friends, who were also our neighbors, took us to the airport. Checking in was easy and all of our bags were between 48 and 50 pounds- no overage on weight! Woo-hoo! We said see you later, and for the first time in a long time, we were by ourselves. It felt more adventurous and exciting than sad. We had lunch and headed to our gate.
On the plane the kids were so excited to be able to watch movies and shuffle through their backpack of goodies. As we took off down the runway I said, "Say goodbye to America!" Jack got teary-eyed and quiet. I heard him whisper something that ended with "Goodbye" and tears were running down his cheeks. He talked to me about it a little bit.... It broke my heart...however, I think it was good for him to get out how he had been feeling. If he's sad, I want him to cry...but it's hard to watch your kids cry...especially when you can't fix the reason they are crying.
Thankfully the tears didn't last long and excitement resumed. Many of you prayed that our kids would fly/travel well and they did! Even 14 month old Max! Korean Airlines makes it so easy on families:) The kids were all awake for our transfer in Korea, which was necessary because they had to carry their backpack and suitcase. Callie, so little under all her gear said, "I'm not giving up!" She didn't! We made it to our gate with 15 min. to spare.
We were met in Chiang Mai by staff/friends from the school we'll be partnering with. The kids were excited to see Thailand, even though it was dark. Our hotel was really cute! Max loved being able to crawl on/off the beds, but that scared me, knowing he could fall backwards off a bed at any moment onto cement! We were able to Skype with family to let them know we had arrived and we were all wide awake. I think we went to bed at 2:45am! Hello jet-lag! Little did I know that for the next 4 days Max would wake up in the middle of the night ready to play!
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These 2 grew up together: their mommies are sweet friends! |
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Spending a few moments with our adorable nephew. |
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Lovin' on a couple of "my girls". |
As we drove to Georgia that morning, I thought, "What are we doing?! We are moving half-way around the world! Why did we say we would do this?!" I am so thankful for my husband because he listened and then reminded me of everything I have told my own family and friends: life is a vapor and eternity is long. We have eternity with our family (fellow Christians) but the people we're reaching out to overseas, well, most have never heard of the hope we have in Christ." This is what the Lord has prepared us to do.
We spoke at a church the same day we drove down to GA. They were very encouraging and I was honest with them, "Pray for me. I'm anxious." The next day, after a lot of sleep (thank you Ken for getting up with the kids!) I felt so different...calmer...rational ;)
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Love this lady! |
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At our host family's home: they were sooo good to us! |
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We arrived in Chiang Mai! |
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Max even slept in the bassinet for a while!!! |
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Too excited to sleep! |
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Packing...and Re-packing
I forgot to post this last month:
We have 10 days until we will be in the air, headed for Chiang Mai! So, what are we up to? We have been sorting, packing and weighing our luggage for days on end.
My sister's family, my brother, and parents helped us raise money by having a garage sale. In 2 days we raised over $1,000!!! Pretty amazing!!! The Lord keeps providing for us in so many ways. We're thankful for the items that were donated, our family's dedication, and the generosity of others.
Many women have asked how I'm doing. Well, here's the truth:
How am I feeling? I am excited to go! Sometimes really excited, can't wait to move into our home and start our ministry in Thailand....but I am sad to leave, sometimes tears running down my cheeks sad. And that is the way I think it probably should be.
A word keeps coming up in my Bible study: "remember." Remember who the Lord is, remember His promises, His commandments, how He chose us, remember He will not forget His children. When we remember these truths, we are reminded that we can trust. Failure to remember our Lord results in worry, just like the Israelites did soon after they left Egypt.
I want to remember all that the Lord has done. It pushes me forward, like a big gust of Michigan wind before a fabulous thunderstorm :)
UPDATE: We are in Chiang Mai and check out this picture of the mountain here. The clouds reminded me of the pillar of fire by night and cloud by day that the Lord dwelt with the Israelites. How awesome that the Lord impressed it on my heart to "remember" and He gave me this incredible visual!
We have 10 days until we will be in the air, headed for Chiang Mai! So, what are we up to? We have been sorting, packing and weighing our luggage for days on end.
My sister's family, my brother, and parents helped us raise money by having a garage sale. In 2 days we raised over $1,000!!! Pretty amazing!!! The Lord keeps providing for us in so many ways. We're thankful for the items that were donated, our family's dedication, and the generosity of others.
Many women have asked how I'm doing. Well, here's the truth:
How am I feeling? I am excited to go! Sometimes really excited, can't wait to move into our home and start our ministry in Thailand....but I am sad to leave, sometimes tears running down my cheeks sad. And that is the way I think it probably should be.
A word keeps coming up in my Bible study: "remember." Remember who the Lord is, remember His promises, His commandments, how He chose us, remember He will not forget His children. When we remember these truths, we are reminded that we can trust. Failure to remember our Lord results in worry, just like the Israelites did soon after they left Egypt.
I want to remember all that the Lord has done. It pushes me forward, like a big gust of Michigan wind before a fabulous thunderstorm :)
UPDATE: We are in Chiang Mai and check out this picture of the mountain here. The clouds reminded me of the pillar of fire by night and cloud by day that the Lord dwelt with the Israelites. How awesome that the Lord impressed it on my heart to "remember" and He gave me this incredible visual!
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
July Update: We are moving!
The time has come! We will be moving to Thailand on September 17th!! We are in the process of packing, saying goodbyes, and house-hunting online. Foreigners cannot own land in Thailand (legally) at this time, so we'll be renting. Houses rent quickly, so we might be relying on video and pictures to choose a home and have it ready for us to move into.
Now that I threw the big news at you, let me give you a summary of our month:
Callie turned 4! We had her friends over and celebrated with a
ballerina theme. I need to do an update on her decorations because most
of them came from the Thrift Store or were made on a penny-pinching
budget! This was her first real party and she was sooooo excited!
During our time down South we visited our sending church and caught up
with our family there. We spent almost every night with a different
family for dinner. WE LOVED THAT! Unexpectedly running into old friends
warmed our hearts too.
We attended the CSTHEA conference, a homeschooling conference near Chattanooga, TN. Several missionary families from all over the world stopped by our booth. The Lord continues to use families like these to confirm our calling. One of the moms (serving in Asia) broke down in tears and told us how wonderful it would be to have the help of a ministry like ours. Lonely and difficult were how she described homeschooling where she lived.
We stopped along the way home from Georgia and visited with three families. Each has a special place in our hearts as has played a significant role in our lives. Let me share one story:
There you have it: July. It came to an end quickly, and August is already flying by.
Now that I threw the big news at you, let me give you a summary of our month:
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Our kids are still weirdos :) |
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Max is finally getting teeth! |
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And he got a passport |
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....but all he could think about was getting those teeth to come in! |
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We traveled to TN and GA! |
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Chic-fil-A provided our free lunch on dress like a cow day! (Thanks Cody for the outfit!) |
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Max enjoyed playing catch at a get-together in GA. |
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Callie got loved on! |
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Jack caught up with his buddy. |
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I love this picture. Callie's friends who have known her since she was in my tummy. |
We attended the CSTHEA conference, a homeschooling conference near Chattanooga, TN. Several missionary families from all over the world stopped by our booth. The Lord continues to use families like these to confirm our calling. One of the moms (serving in Asia) broke down in tears and told us how wonderful it would be to have the help of a ministry like ours. Lonely and difficult were how she described homeschooling where she lived.
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At our booth in East Ridge, TN. |
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Can you believe he took a nap despite all the noise?! |
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We "sweetened" our prayer card packets this month. |
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Here is the birthday boy! Max turned 1. We had a small celebration with my family. |
There you have it: July. It came to an end quickly, and August is already flying by.
So what does it feel like to be moving to the other side of the world?
Well, it is just starting to hit me! We have traveled so much this year
(long trips every 8 weeks since March) to share our ministry and raise
the support to move to Thailand. So, this move doesn't completely feel like a move yet.
We are limited on what we can take: 8 check in suitcases weighing up to 50lbs. each, and one 25 lb. suitcase for Max. We will each take a carry on suitcase and a backpack...and that is it!
Please pray for us:
- Transitions: from Michigan, to Georgia, to Chiang Mai.
- Goodbyes: This will be especially hard on our kids.
- New neighbors: That we will have Thai neighbors that we can build relationships with.
- Language: The Thai language is REALLY difficult to learn.
- Housing: We would like a 1 story home with some grass in the yard (yards are small and often non-existant because it is a city and land is costly).
- Transportation: We will need a vehicle...and I will need to figure out how to drive there- EEK!
- Visas: They are being processed now, but let's pray it goes smoothly.
- Friendships: For all of us.
- Church: That we quickly find a body of believers to grow and serve with.
- Homeschooling families: the people we'll be helping. We want to serve them well and meet their needs so that they can continue in their ministries.
Only one life t'will soon be past,
Only what's done for Christ will last."
by: CT Studd
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
June Update!
I forgot to mention in my last update that we participated in the largest homeschooling conference in Michigan, called INCH. Thank you so much to Mike at INCH for having us! We met SO MANY wonderful people and several missionaries there! The majority of the missionaries, after hearing about our ministry awaiting us in Thailand, said they wished they had that kind of educational support because it so different homeschooling in remote areas. (Don't you love it when the Lord confirms your calling?) Many of the missionaries offered advice and words of encouragement that we needed to hear. Other families stopped by to sign up for newsletter updates and donated money to help us get to Thailand!
I LOVE homeschooling conventions and curriculum fairs
and the past 2 have offered a couple fun photo ops:
This is Steve from Math-U-See (with his future student, Max).
Josh Dugger from 19 Kids and Counting.
What is even more awesome is that the Lord has used these homeschooling events to connect us to well-known curriculum companies who are interested in helping us provide resources to the families will be working with!
For his next trick, Max pretends to be a table. Seriously, this little boy is busy! The day before he turned 11 months old he walked! He's now walking up to 8 steps at a time. He's still toothless, but that will changing any day now!
Ken's family flew us out to Washington state to spend a week with them. The flight seemed so short (nearly 5 hours) compared to the last flight Ken and I took to Thailand (a 24 hour travel day!) The kids did great on the flight; since we left around 8pm, Max slept most of the flight. Jack stayed awake the entire flight, and Callie fell asleep just as the landing gear came down in Washington!
We had 2 sleeping children, 4 small suitcases , 4 backpacks and a diaper bag to carry off the plane. I carried Callie and Max, (sleeping children always feel heavier, don't they?) and Jack and Ken carried all of the luggage. We made it off the plane but had 15 min. of walking and trains- catching ahead of us...what were we going to do? Before I could concern myself with our dilemma any longer, in front of us was an empty luggage cart! We loaded it up, put an awake, but very sleepy Callie on top and off we went! Thank you Lord for always being with us and for literally carrying our burden of luggage!
Ken enjoyed time with his dad and mom (isn't she cute?).
She always cooks a big Korean meal of Ken's favorite foods.
The cousins were inseparable!
Callie checking out the mountains! Do you see how long her hair is?
Isn't it beautiful? I wanted to just sit and read my Bible and spend time with the Creator.
We did a lot of hiking and felt safe with this kid to protect us ;)
Back in Michigan,
Remember that long hair that Callie had grown out for nearly 4 years? She wanted it short.
Why? Because I got mine cut. Sweet, huh? I made her wait 3 weeks to be sure this is what she wanted. She insisted she wanted short hair!
Her first "real" haircut! She was so serious through the whole experience!
Callie donated nearly 12 inches of hair to Wigs for Kids!
We donated it in honor of sweet little Lacey Holsworth, who is now with her Maker.
Today I'm reminded what a vapor this life is. Every moment counts. How will I spend my moments? It's not just about what I'm doing, but what I'm thinking about in-between the goings on of life. I was reading with the kids in Philippians:
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 1 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Phil. 4:12-13
"But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith." Phil. 3:7-9
Good words to meditate on!
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