Tuesday, August 29, 2017

We're moving!

No, we aren't leaving Thailand, not even the city is changing.  Just the neighborhood. Our lease is up in a couple weeks and we planned to renew another year, but the Lord opened the door to a different home.

 We don't know if there is any gospel presence in this neighborhood.  This was what helped us make the decision to move.  Our current community is huge, but scattered throughout are believers.  I was hesistant to leave because we're the only "light" in our section. BUT, yesterday, 2 of Ken's co-workers moved in a few houses down from us!  I attended Bible study with one of the ladies and she has a heart for evangelism.  We are confident that Light will shine after we go!

I'm sorry I don't have a pic of the outside! I was most concerned with the small yard, so all of my outdoor
pictures are of grass.  Seriously, we signed the lease and paid the deposit and I couldn't even tell you what color the house was!  It wasn't until a friend drove by and said, "Oh, you have a pink (mauve) house," that I even noticed!
The inside of the house is filled with another family's things.
 We'll update pictures when we move in.
We know spiritual warfare is ahead, 
so please join us in praying.  
  • Please pray for Nang, one of the street cleaners here.  She is our friend even though she speaks a different dialect than we are learning.  I gave her the Gospel (book and tracts) and a Thai friend told me she goes to church now.    
  • Please pray for Dang and Jon.  They too speak a different dialect of Thai, so communincation is challenging.  We've seen them at the temple for special ceremonies and we're confident they are Buddhist.  
  • Thai Mother's Day program.
  • Pray for our kids.  They have only known 1 home here in Thailand, so moving is yet another transition.  The new house hardly has a yard, but I've just left that with the Lord...we can't fix that but He has it taken care of. 
  • Pray that I will be outgoing.  New situations are just uncomfortable and when you add a dose of culture it takes it to a new level.  I need to be intentional.

  • Pray for Ken.  The school year just began and there is a lot to sort out...and now we're moving. He overseas many departments at work, and preaches at church occassionally, so please pray for wisdom and discernment.
  • Pray over our new home.  There was a room filled with pictures and alters dedicated to "worship" by the family before us.  

Thank you for walking through this with us, for battling with us in prayer, and supporting us with words of encouragement and financial support to sustain us.

May God be glorified here in this beautiful country.  As rice fields are being planted; may the people's hearts be fertile soil for the Gospel seed to take root, grow, and bear fruit.

Thursday, August 24, 2017


On Saturday Jack became a pet owner.  This is the first pet for our family and it isn't a cat or dog, it's a bearded dragon.  See, we told our kids if they showed responsibility in their chores, schoolwork, and routine, we'd allow them to add to that responsiblity with a pet.  Jack wanted a bird...me, not so much.  So, when I saw that a friend's lizard had babies for about $6 each, I thought of my gecko-chasing boy.

Building the home for Jack's pet.
He truly earned this and wore a smirk while we told him the good news of his promotion to "pet owner."  His sister teared up, not out of joy, but jealousy. We reminded her that her response would show us how responsible she was in handling her emotions and how a sister in Christ rejoices in good. She dried her eyes, nodded, and smiled.  (She wants a bunny).

 Our 4 year old chimed in, "Can I get a pet?"  Back story: Max keeps a collection of Gecko tails in a jar.  He chases the poor things down and attempts to catch them, but almost always ends up with a wiggly tail in his hand, (they can drop their tails as a defense mechanism) while the tail-less creature scurries to safety.  He knew the answer was no, so he didn't fight us...

Ken took Jack to pick out his little dragon from the litter, or is it a clutch?  They came home with a cute little bearded dragon not even 6 inches long.  Jack found a rock to put in its cage, learned how to feed and care for it, and we all enjoyed having the little guy in the house.

Cute, right?  
Fast forward 5 days.  A heat lamp has replaced the desk lamp and the cool breeze from the air conditioner is gone with the wind.  Jack's room is a desert.  Here's what got me as I cleaned my room today and caught a glimpse of him across the hall.  Reading a book on his bed, you would never guess it was about 85 degrees with no breeze.  He was more than content.  The boy who nightly asked to make the room colder is now basking alongside his lizard.  Why?

He delights in his pet.  The conditions surrounding him are a non-issue because of his love for Oscar. I have never heard him complain.  I don't have to remind him to get the meal worms (gag) out of the fridge to feed his pet, 3x a day,  or to mist the cage, because he is caring for and loving his pet.  He reads articles on Bearded Dragons in his free time!

Making sure he gets sunlight to stay healthy.
Immediately I thought of my walk with the Lord.  I complain because the air in our room is musty and the top step in our house smells funny when it gets hot upstairs, (weird, right), and it's challenging (and expensive) to find "normal" undergarments here.  But, if I loved the Lord, the way Jack loves his "dragon" I would embrace all of it out of love for my Father.  It's part of the job he's called me to do.  When my love and faith run staight to the source of the Lord, I can be grateful in all circumstances because I find my delight in Him.

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,  give thanks 
in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in 
Christ Jesus for you."   
                        I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Callie's response is too often mine.  Jealousy.  "Why can't their situation be mine?"  So, today I am reminded to rejoice with my brothers and sisters in Christ for what He is doing in their lives and to find contentment and delight in my journey because I'm doing it for my Maker, my Rescuer, my Joy, my God.  And one day I will be in His presence!

And when Oscar grows to be 18 inches long, and the crickets have yet again escaped the cage, I'll re-read this and remember the lesson the Lord taught me through him and his owner.