A year ago we were on a plane traveling to the other side of the world. Smiles and praises to God fill me as I reflect on how far he's brought our family. We didn't know how to drive here, find food, know what to eat, communicate, know my phone number, locate our house, and the list goes on.
I am taking Thai lesson and slowly learning. We can order our food in Thai, ask a few questions to make small talk. I know where to grocery shop and even know what a good price is on many of the things we eat!
Thinking about people over the past year makes me teary-eyed. There are so many that we said "I'll see you later" to and we miss them.....we miss you, who are reading this:) We have friends battling cancer, struggling with new babies and sleepless nights, people who need someone to cook them a meal....my first response is, "I wish I was there to help."
God continues to remind me that he doesn't NEED me. He uses me. He will use someone else to care for our friends and family state-side. I can rest in that!
I also think about the people he has brought to us here in Thailand. One friend was brought literally to my doorstep. We were able to build a friendship and teach each other about different foods and recipes. Most importantly, we talked about eternity. Ken and I shared the Gospel message with her a few times but she felt secure in her beliefs as Buddhist. We were in America for 8 weeks and after not hearing from her and not having my messages returned, we drove to her home. It is empty and her house is for rent.
I felt crushed, but the Lord picked me up quickly, reminding me that I had shared the most important thing: Him. I'm so thankful for that....many encourage us to build relationships of trust before we share the Gospel (which is true and time-tested advice). I felt urgency with her and shared on Day 1! The Holy Spirit speaks to His children- that was His leading and His words, not mine.
Tears can't be held back when I think of our kids. We were informed that time on the field goes quickly, because of the many ways you are busy and emotionally exhausted. This means your kids grow up quickly. Callie was just 2 when the Lord called us overseas, now she's 5 and grew about 5 inches in our first year here! These pictures were taken a year apart!
She is growing in the Lord and it encourages me as her sister in Christ! She said,
"Mommy, don't you love being a Christian?" "Yes," I agreed, "But why do you?" Thoughtfully with a smile she answered, "Just that, we learn how to love the right way, and that....we're chosen. That's the best thing." It has been such a blessing to hear the Lord speak through her.

I love my boys too:) I will share some of their stories in the future.
I wanted to give you a glimpse of our life in Asia, just in case you don't keep up with us on Facebook. We are always seeing and learning new things. Example: Tonight the people next to me at dinner (an outdoor food stall by the road) ordered a huge plate of fried crickets!
On the flight to Thailand. It takes about 24 hours to get here. (12 hour time change) |
Lunch after church at a food court. |
Green Curry for me! |
Homeschooling fun. |
They love their Thai tutor! |
Ken's co-workers and their families. |
Our dryer;) |
Playing together:) |
Feeling accomplished that I can make a pizza from scratch!
BONUS: The kids said it's as good as "real" pizza!
Keeping this guy busy! Cut off a plastic bottle and rubberband
a piece of washcloth over the bottom. Dip in dishsoap water and blow! |
A birthday party for the 5 year old! |
HUGE butterfly that passed our home. |
We found a huge snail in our kitchen! We set him free... |
Thanks for reading and caring! Will you please pray with us?
- We are starting a Home Group/Bible study this week.
- Learning Thai is hard! Pray that it "clicks" and sticks!
- Pacing. It's easy to take on a lot, but it is not sustaining.
- Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel!
- The number of homeschooling families we help/support has DOUBLED! Pray for Ken to know how efficiently and effectively guide them.
- Support: Our monthly support is still lacking. Please pray for more financial partners so that we can stay.
- Praise God for sustaining us! He has equipped and grown us.
Happy Fall Y'all!