Today Ken and I went to the doctor's office to get our health approval to obtain a driver's license. (This consisted of a few basics like checking our blood pressure and weighing in- which isn't so bad here because you get weighed in kilograms which is such a small number, so there is no long as you don't convert the numbers!)
While in the waiting room a young couple from England sat next to us. I asked them if they lived here. I learned that they were touring many countries together and just arrived from India and planned to visit Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia, then returning to England for a wedding, and possibly moving to Australia!
Although our family isn't traveling we had a lot in common with this couple: they too sold their house and car and lived with her parents for a while! I asked them why they were traveling and their reasons were quite different, "Just to see different parts of the world.." The Lord prepared me for what I would say next.
As my kiddos were in bed the night before I was lesson planning for the rest of the month. Jack and I read portions of "Window on the World" each week, which highlights people groups all over the world, how they live and worship. I flipped through pages seeing people bowing to stone, gold, wood, other people....
"Isn't it interesting, that no matter where you go, people choose to worship something?" The 27 year old British lady agreed with me and I continued. "It is within every person to know that there is something that we should worship, so there must be a right way." She again smiled and agreed, "Yeah, I guess that's true." I went on to tell her that it is Easter weekend but you wouldn't know it here is Chiang Mai. We talked a bit about what Easter is like in England. I wish I could tell you I was able to lay out the Gospel, but it didn't get to that far. Instead, I was called back for my appointment.
I pray that they learn about the importance of today: Good Friday, and why Sunday, Resurrection Day, changed the world. That couple wasn't supposed to be in Chiang Mai. She mentioned they weren't able to catch the train to their desired destination, so they came here instead. Can you see the Lord at work?! Please pray that the Lord places someone else in their path to continue the story. I have to trust that they heard what they needed to hear and not kick myself for what wasn't said...
Please pray that the Lord readies you (and me) to always be ready to share the hope that we have!
Today reminded me of an Easter weekend a couple years ago: This happened (click on that link and scroll about half-way down if you'd like to read the story).