Wednesday, April 2, 2014

MARCHing towards Spring?

March is officially over and what a month it has been for the Mungle family and our minivan!

We visited the Pioneers homeschool co-op in Jackson, MI and had the privilege of teaching 4 classes. As former classroom teachers, it was great fun to be in front of a group of students again!  Ken taught some of the history of Thailand and we shared our ministry by incorporating a hands-on activity.  I taught the elementary group of kids and speaking of "kid" we had a little goat in the audience!  That was a first for me!


One Saturday was spent at a local Homeschool Convention.  It was a small gathering, but the Lord put us in touch with some wonderful believers!  More details to come....

We spent the majority of the month in preparation for a huge homeschool convention in Nashville, TN. This 3 day event brought hundreds of people to our booth as we shared God's calling of our family to Thailand. We are so grateful for the encouraging words, donations, and prayer partners the Lord brought!

I ran into Josh Dugger at the Teach Them Diligently Conference... twice! The first time was in the exhibitor's hall, and the second was in the parking lot.  We were parked near him and his family. (What cute kiddos they have!)

A huge thank you to my mom, who flew to Nashville to help with the kids while we were at the Homeschool Convention! 


Funny story: We left a snow covered ground in Michigan, but Callie announced (loudly) about an hour into Ohio, "Look!  Grass!  Can we play in it?"  We took the exit to grant her request and found this Space Museum.  We didn't pay to go through the museum, but check out the fun free stuff!


We also ventured a bit off the path to see the "moonbow" in Corbin, KY.  The kids enjoyed the hike to the waterfall at night, listening to the frogs, and playing with flashlights.  It was the day before a full moon, so the moon-bow was clear, the weather was nice, and it was FREE! 

I borrowed this picture...we didn't take a camera.
We didn't take a camera so we borrowed the picture above.


Our Sundays were spent at our home church, hugging our church family, and feeling (in some ways) like we hadn't left!  We were able to teach at AWANA and speak at the Sunday evening gathering. Thank you to everyone who welcomed us warmly, invited us to your home or shared lunch/ dinner with us.  We certainly left feeling loved!

Max  let the little girls play "house" with him:)

Our trip down South lasted almost 2 weeks and consisted of 5 different places of residence!  The kiddos were champions through it all.  It is quite evident that the Lord is preparing our kids to serve overseas by giving them opportunities to practice flexibility now.  Though "preparation" is not always easy, it is truly an answer to prayer.