over the past month, so let me share a few from December:
Dec. 6th: We drove back to Georgia. We had practice for the Christmas program: Callie was going to be an angel, Jack and shepherd, and Ken, Max, and I would be Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. Practice went well...but a twist awaited....
Dec 7th: Annual Ladies Christmas brunch! (This was wonderful fun!)
I always forget to take a picture until the end...sorry I didn't get the whole group. |
On Dec. 9th Callie got a stomach virus while we were in Georgia:( Thankfully it passed quickly.
On Dec. 11th We arrived at the title office to close on our house, but we were delayed...the buyers had concerns about some of the wording in the contract. Ken got a stomach bug:(
Dec. 12th: Ken was much better, we were able to close on the house, and 10 min. later Jack was sick with the stomach bug!
- This was also the evening of the Christmas program. Ken and Jack stayed home to recover, Callie was able to dance her angel part, Max was a fat little baby Jesus, and a cute young couple took our spots as Mary and Joseph. It was a great night, but sad to say goodbye again.
Dec. 13th: We closed on our house!
Dec. 14th: We drove to Michigan just in time....a storm was on its way!
Dec. 15th Snow! Ice! Brrrr~ Our van got stuck in the driveway.
Dec. 16th-20th: I got the stomach bug...and so did my mom, dad, and sister's family.
Dec. 22nd: Ice Storm...the worst I have ever seen. Trees were down everywhere...no electricity.
We were without electricity for 7 days... but soooo thankful for a small generator that allowed us to use a space heater, a lamp,the fridge, and the tv. We spent Christmas with my sister's family.
Our Christmas advent was a wonderful reminder of God's plan for Christ. It's also a reminder of our call as believers with hope, to share Christ, the only Hope, until He returns.
We have lost power a few more times this year. Ken has been a champ, snow blowing frequently to keep the driveway clear, keeping the driveway salted, running the generator, and working on contacting churches and co-ops to raise our support for Thailand.
A HUGE thank you to my parents and family for letting us stay with you and helping in us in many ways! I'm sure it isn't easy to have a family of 5 move in, nor will it be easy when it's time for us to go.
Thank you to all of our supporters! 2013 was a year of many changes and the Lord provided for us in many ways, taught us, and equipped us.
A HUGE thank you to my parents and family for letting us stay with you and helping in us in many ways! I'm sure it isn't easy to have a family of 5 move in, nor will it be easy when it's time for us to go.
Thank you to all of our supporters! 2013 was a year of many changes and the Lord provided for us in many ways, taught us, and equipped us.