Monday, July 1, 2013

So...what have you been doing?

Ken finished the school year at the end of May and the week after we headed to Michigan. 

While there we stayed with my family.  It was like summer camp for the kiddos; my parents planned a lot of fun activities and outings with them! 

Our time in Michigan gave Ken a chance to work on our information packets to mail out, as well as continuing to develop and design the framework for a benefit event this fall. 

One of the highlights of our trip was meeting with a Homeschool Co-op in Lincoln Park, MI.  It's always fun to sit down with fellow homeschoolers and hear what's working for them, what curriculum they use, etc.  What started off for them as a handful of families gathering together has grown to large group with a waiting list!!

The leader of the co-op introduced us to the pastors of the church and the next hour was spent sharing our ministry with them, answering questions, and ultimately being encouraged by their desire to partner with us in prayer and support in whichever way the Lord enables them to do so.  There is no stronger connection between people than ones established and maintained by God! 

We were invited to join the church on Sunday to worship together.    The pastor had us break up into groups and pray.  We were humbled when our family was specifically prayed for by all of these clusters of brothers and sisters across the sanctuary.  We honestly felt a oneness with the people we met and wished we had more time to spend with them.  We walked away with uplifted and encouraged hearts!

If you live anywhere near Lincoln Park, you need to visit Friendship Baptist Church.  We plan to visit with them again in October.

Our days are quite busy with finishing up renovations to get our house listed for sale.  We had another garage sale and sold several things online; it's freeing to get rid of stuff!    I told Jack that by selling our house it puts us closer to getting to Thailand.  Our practical little man took this literally, "Well that would be good- then it won't take as long to get there when it's time to go because we'll be closer."  Sorry Jack- it will still take us 24 hours to get there!

We're also involved with a summer outreach program for kids and parents.  It's called, "Boredom Busters Bootcamp" and it's a way to share Christ with our neighbors.  Ken is running the games/devotions for the kids and I'm helping by working with the ladies: teaching Bible study part-time and helping with kid's crafts. 

Baby update:  We are feeling the excitement rise with the coming of baby number 3!  The baby is healthy and probably about 4 lbs right not. I have 38 days until my due date, to which many people say, "That's a long time!"  It isn't- there is so much to be done before then, and Ken will resume teaching the week before my due date.

Homeschooling:  We are attempting to homeschool through the month of July so that we can take some time off when the baby comes.

Prayer Requests:
  1. We are struggling to know how to prioritize all that we have going on right now.  Please pray that we keep God first, that distractions are removed, and that we glorify Him even in the chaos of everything.
  2. My health:  I have a condition called SPD that occurs during pregnancy (it's common) and gets worse with each pregnancy.  It continues and worsens until after delivery when the hormone causing the problem decreases.  This week has been the most difficult...please pray that it ceases quickly after the baby is born. 
  3. Financial Support: We need partners to commit to supporting us financially so that we can go to Thailand in just over 6 months.
  4. We need to sell our house and find a place to live until we leave.
There are many unknowns, but we trust our Maker to meet every need. 

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